The DELETE statement is used to remove records or rows from the table. The DELETE statement includes the name of the table, and the WHERE clause defines the rows to be deleted.

DELETE [FROM] {table_name}
[WHERE condition]
Where, table_name is the name of the table from which a row(s) is to be deleted.


A SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify existing records in a table. The UPDATE statement requires three main parameters:
1. The table name to be updated
2. The column(s) name to be updated along with new value(s)
3. The rows to be updated

UPDATE {table_name}
SET column1=value1,column2=value2,...
WHERE condition;


The SQL INSERT INTO statement allows us to add new row(s) into a table. The INSERT INTO Statement consists of two clauses: INSERT clause and VALUES clause.INSERT clause is used to specify the name of the table and columns to which data to be inserted and VALUES clause is used to specify the data values to be inserted into the table.

SQL Logical Operator

Three logical operators are provided by SQL server to combine multiple search conditions. Those are OR, AND & NOT.

OR-returns the result when any of the specified search conditions are true.
AND- Returns the result when all the specified search conditions are true.
NOT- For a row to be selected the specified condition must be false.

In the WHERE clause the conditions can be combined using the logical operator.

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE conditional_expression {AND\OR}[NOT] conditional_expression
Where conditional_expression is any conditional expression that is combined with a logical operator.


The LIKE keyword is used to select those rows that match the specified portion of character string. The LIKE keyword allows for wildcard characters that can be used as an expression. 

SQL LIKE Syntax:
SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE pattern

SQL List Operator

SQL server provides the IN operator that allows the selection of values that match any one of the values in the list. In the same way, the NOT IN operator restricts the selection of values that match any one of the value in the list.

SQL Range Operator

The range operator is used to retrieve data that can be extracted in ranges. The range operators are BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN.

The BETWEEN keyword in the WHERE clause specifies an inclusive range to search. Whereas the NOT BETWEEN keyword is used to exclude rows from the specified range the result set.